August 2nd marks our 14 year wedding anniversary. Probably our last one.
It’s sad how after 14 years of marriage, things can still turn sour.
I would have never ever thought that a situation like we’re living could ever occur. We do have a relationship problem, but to go beyond the line, with someone else, never.
Regardless, we went on a date to a nice sushi place far away from our house. It’s a small sushi restaurant, and it’s success is mainly due to good recommendation from customers.
The food was nice and the place was alright.
We enjoyed our own respective meal and after that decided to have a walk to discuss. It started raining so we found a shelter and stayed there for a little while. My wife wasn’t really interested in staying but I was as I had a lot of questions still going on in my mind.
As we sat down, I started asking her again what was going with her business partner. Obviously the discussion turned a bit confrontational and she immediately denied everything. I told her that the worst thing she could do to me now is not cheating, but rather leaving me in limbo and lying to me about the cheating. Because I would have false hopes and I would be waiting for her, even thought in her heart she clearly knew that would never happen. I told her to not give me false hope and not let me rot on the side. Just tell me the truth as hurtful it may be, but at least we can then both go on with our lives. She denied everything and told me if I want to believe her than good, otherwise too bad.
I don’t believe her. I don’t believe there’s a cat she’s taking care of or anything else. I’m just still baffled because this is so not her. But the facts and her lies prove otherwise. That hurts.
Nonetheless, I settle down and told her I believed her. Tension went down and away we went back to our home.
How long will I last with these lies? I don’t know but probably not much longer.